Master Plan Homes Inc. is a residential construction company based in Lexington, SC.
It is operated by Jon Foster and Salim Khalil.

Friday, September 19, 2008

US Financial Crisis?

I've emailed a few friends today about this week's roller coaster ride known as Wall Street. It's been crazy to watch as large financial institutions have gone belly up and the government has stepped in with attempts at saving it. Meanwhile the media has been in a frenzy and has informed us that the sky is in fact falling. But just look at how the DOW has performed this week and you'll see it's actually trading higher than when the week began (as of 10:40am on Friday).

And do you think the current economy's condition has affected getting a mortgage here in the Columbia/Lexington area? Well, from what I'm hearing, not by a great extent. Some of their qualifications are a little tighter but if you are in a stable job with a good credit score you should be fine. I can refer you to someone locally if you'd like more information.


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