Master Plan Homes Inc. is a residential construction company based in Lexington, SC.
It is operated by Jon Foster and Salim Khalil.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thanks For Stopping By

We get several visitors that stop by, or stumble upon, the Master Plan Homes Inc blog each day. Jon and I recently sent out a letter inviting several more to check things out. If you're here b/c of that letter, welcome! Thanks for taking a look and feel free to leave a comment. And if you have a new home construction related topic that you'd like to hear more about on this blog, email me.

On the right side of this blog you'll find a slideshow gallery of our pictures, a few useful links, this blog's archive, and a number of key word tags for this blog.

Here are a few of my favorite posts:

Selecting a Lot to Build your Home

Picture It

Thanks again for stopping by. Bookmark this page and come back again!


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